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Painting – Colour Explorations

How can we use colour to represent the world around us?

Program Description

Students will explore the effects of natural light and other elements on the waterfront landscape’s colours, shapes and textures. In the studio, students will rotate through play-based activity centres, experimenting with colours, lines, shapes, textures and space. The students will then combine their colour experiments to create a collaborative landscape mural.

Program Objectives

By the end of the Painting – Colour Explorations program, students will:

  • Explore how we perceive colour, shape and texture throughout Harbourfront Centre’s landscape.
  • Experiment with colours, textures and shape through the medium of paint.
  • Use appropriate vocabulary related to the elements of design.

Support Material

To enhance your pre and post-visit learning, please download the package for this program.

Booking Details

Kindergarten (Half-Day)

Available all year

Regular rates apply

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Curriculum Connections

Program Categories

Onsite Program, Visual Arts & Contemporary Craft