Co-op and Internship Program

As a part of the Education team at Harbourfront Centre, School Visits hosts a number of job shadowing, co-op, internship and teacher candidates throughout the year.

If you are interested in the arts or pursuing a job in education, consider Harbourfront Centre as your host institution! Students will develop skills in leadership, communication, organization and teamwork and will work towards achieving goals co-created with the candidate and School Visits staff. If interested, please email

“As a grade 12 student in the Arts and Culture SHSM, I had the opportunity and pleasure of working with the School Visits. From the first day until my very last they had all made me feel like I had always been apart of this community. This experience in the School Visits department was one I was cherish and feel so incredibly lucky to have been apart of. I have always been someone heavily involved in the performing arts and arts in general so this seemed like a placement that was suited well for me. What I didn’t expect was gaining so many new creative skills, different then what I had been previously comfortable with. As someone who had previously spent most of her time in the performing arts, my visual arts skills were not something I considered a strength of mine. That was until I started assisting in the visual arts related workshops and met the incredibly welcoming staff who always made sure I caught on to the workshop. In no time I became quite comfortable in areas I previously had not explored whatsoever. Not only that, but it opened my eyes to the world of possibilities surrounding those who I worked alongside. It was a defining moment of realization where all these wonderful people on the team were also full time artists outside of this workspace. That was a powerful moment to me that made me sure that my goal was in fact achievable and I would be able to succeed. I am now going into my first year at U of T for a specialist in drama and a newfound passion for arts education. This unique hands on experience allowed me to try out so many different techniques I previously would not have. Whether this be artistic mediums or even teaching styles, I learned it all. There are so many transferable skills that this space allowed me to explore and grow with. Even after I finished my time as a Co-Op student at Harbourfront, I came back as a member of the full time camp team and I would not have been able to do it without them. I consider this a near and dear experience that has allowed me to grow into the artist I am today.”

— TCDSB Co-op Student, Grade 12

“As an Art Education and Community Engagement student, interning with the Harbourfront Centre Educational Department was an amazing experience that has shaped me as an artist educator. Throughout my internship, I felt very welcomed and supported by the entire team. During my internship, I had the pleasure of working with both the School Visits and Camps teams. When working with School Visits, I had the opportunity to be in the classroom with different educators to support hands-on visual arts programs. I was also able to learn about the back-end administrative process and preparation that goes into both School Visits and Camps. While working with School Visits, I learned so much about developing curriculum-based art programs and how to facilitate intentional art activities that not only spark creativity but also reinforce what students have learned in school. The hands-on experience in arts education and the opportunity to deliver various programs were invaluable. I loved working with students of all ages and seeing their creativity. This experience helped me to develop my own teaching style and allowed me to gain confidence as an artist educator. What stood out the most was the educational team’s commitment to creating an inclusive and nurturing learning environment. I learned the importance of making every student feel valued and creating a space where they can be encouraged to express themselves. Overall, my time at Harbourfront Centre was a fantastic experience. I’m so grateful for the opportunity and excited to apply what I’ve learned in my future career.” 

— Intern, Arts Education and Community Engagement, Centennial College