This event is a Nordic Spotlight, part of Nordic Bridges.
A whimsical and intimate shadow-play about how long the road home is when you run away in anger.
She became so hopping mad
She became so fizzling furious
She became so livid with rage
that she opened the window and climbed down the ladder
and then she ran.
She ran and ran and ran
And ran, ran, ran
And she ran there and she ran around
And ran over and ran under
And ran down, down, down, down, down
And ran up, up, up, up, up
And ran forward and ran along
And ran off, off, off,
And when she turned
The house had turned into a dot .
About Bodil Alling, Actor and Artistic Director
Bodil has been part of Teatret Gruppe 38 since 1981 and has had a leading role in the theatre’s productions since the mid-1980s.
He is one of the central figures behind the paradigm shift in Danish children’s theatre in the 1980s, which meant defining children’s theatre in a new way and making Danish theatre for children and young people respected worldwide.
With Alling as Artistic Manager, Teatret Gruppe 38 has won numerous prizes for their unique way of storytelling to young theatre audiences.
About Teatret Gruppe 38
Teatret Gruppe 38 is a professional, prizewinning theatre which has existed since 1972. The theatre is located in the city of Aarhus, Denmark, and led by the artistic leader, writer and actor Bodil Alling. They create reflective, whimsical and philosophic theatre, presented in an intimate format. Teatret Gruppe 38 has an extensive tour-programme – in Denmark and abroad. Amongst other countries, they have most recently toured to Australia, Croatia, Norway, Canada, USA, Germany, Estonia, Scotland and Japan.
Accessibility Information
- Listen to the pre-recorded audio introduction
- The performance on Sunday May 22 will be presented with live Audio Description.
Dates & Times
May 21
40 mins
May 22
40 mins