Boardwalk behind Concert Stage closed Thursday, August 29 from 8–11pm.

Nordic Spotlight, part of Nordic Bridges

Cube Light exhibition
Photo by Brian Medina

As part of our year-long multidisciplinary initiative Nordic Bridges, Nordic Spotlights will explore contemporary Nordic culture from coast-to-coast. Aimed at raising the profile of Nordic culture abroad and strengthening the interaction between Nordic cultural sectors and the rest of the world, Harbourfront Centre is curating a series of unique experiences that highlight contemporary Nordic arts and culture. 

From January through December 2022, Nordic Spotlights will highlight modern Nordic art and culture in various disciplines, from performing arts, visual and digital arts to craft and design, literature, culinary arts, and film. Through collaborations between artists, leaders and thinkers, programming will build on shared values of creativity, innovation, inclusivity and sustainability between Canada and the Nordic region – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. 

For additional programming and updates, visit Nordic Bridges.

Supported by

Nordic Council of Ministers
Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund
Waterfront BIA
NEXT Magazine
Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Nordic Culture Fund
Danish Arts Foundation
Government of Greenland
Nordic Talks