Printmaking – Collagraph

How can works of art influence your collagraph print? 

Program Description

Students will examine printed artwork by celebrated artists. They will discover texture through the art of collagraph – a relief collage used to make prints. Best of all, students will leave with a series of colourful prints. 

Program Objectives

By the end of the Printmaking – Collagraph program, students will:

  • Discover the history of printmaking through the examination of works by prominent artists.
  • Explore shape, texture, pattern and positive and negative space in printmaking.
  • Produce several colourful prints using a collagraph relief printing plate.

Support Material

To enhance your pre and post-visit learning, please download the package for this program.

Booking Details

Grades 4–12 (Full-Day)

Available all year

Regular rates apply

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Curriculum Connections

Program Categories

Onsite Program, Visual Arts & Contemporary Craft