April 20, 2022

The Clearing

Opening Night Performance

United States

JJJJJerome Ellis takes us on a musical journey through the asters, past some egrets, to his home.

Jerome Ellis

JJJJJerome Ellis, Photo by Cameron Kelly McLeod, Courtesy of ISSUE Project Room


Musician, poet, and stutterer JJJJJerome Ellis offers a performance that celebrates stuttering, and disabled speech more broadly, as a vital way of being. Through music, literature, performance, and video he researches relationships among blackness, disabled speech, divinity, nature, sound, and time.  

About JJJJJerome Ellis

JJJJJerome Ellis is an animal, stutterer, and artist. He was raised by Jamaican and Grenadian immigrants in Tidewater, VA, where he prays, gardens, and dreams of building a sonic bath house. His body of work includes contemplative soundscapes using saxophone, flute, dulcimer, electronics, and vocals. He also scores for plays and podcasts, produces albums combining spoken word with ambient and jazz textures. Ellis also explores theatrics involving live music and storytelling as well as music-video-poems that seek to transfigure historical archives.

Accessibility Information

  • View the visual story for this performance.
  • Listen to the Audio Description introductory notes.
  • This performance is presented with ASL Interpretation.   
  • This performance will be presented with live Audio Description. Audio Description equipment is limited and should be reserved in advance to avoid disappointment. Audio Description introductory notes will be given 10 minutes before the performance. Please arrive 20 minutes before showtime to pick up your receiver and earpiece.
  • Headphone-based assistive hearing devices are available in the Harbourfront Centre Theatre. Equipment is limited and should be reserved in advance.
  • Volunteers and Harbourfront Centre staff will be available to assist patrons with getting in and out of the theatre and provide Sighted Guide to patrons who require ‘Curb-to-Seat’ support. 
  • The Harbourfront Centre Theatre has wheelchair accessible seating. Please note: the ramp leading up to the HCT is 33” wide. The doorways to the single-stall washrooms in this building are 28.5” wide.
  • If you require a wheelchair-accessible seat, audio description equipment, an assistive hearing device, or Sighted Guide ‘Curb-to-Seat’ service, please contact the box office by email at tickets@harbourfrontcentre.com or call (416) 973-4000 and choose option 1. 
  • If you have questions about the access features offered for this event, please contact Accessibility Coordinator Katherine Hale at khale@harbourfrontcentre.com. or (416) 973-4960 

Dates & Times

April 20
60 mins


Harbourfront Centre Theatre

231 Queens Quay West
Toronto, Ontario

Google Map

Keywords MusicPerformance