Boardwalk behind Concert Stage closed Thursday, August 29 from 8–11pm.

May 20–22, 2023

The Ocean, Freshwater And Us

Interactive AR Map

British Columbia

This giant floor map is made for walking on, allowing you to understand Canada’s marine and freshwaters, including marine protected areas.

The Ocean, Freshwater and us

Photo courtesy of the artist



Did you know all waterways are connected? There’s nothing like following the flow to wrap your head around this incredible fact. The Ocean, Freshwater and Us map was developed as a learning and engagement tool for schools, libraries, museums and aquariums, conferences and other public spaces and events to use during the Ocean Week Canada celebrations and throughout the UN Ocean Decade (2021-2030). 

With permission from a Parent/Caretaker, download the Ocean Week Canada augmented reality app ahead of the festival to gain a deeper understanding while exploring oceans and freshwaters in Canada, learn from Indigenous Water Guardians and coastal communities, take a 360° dive with keystone species and more! You will be able to interact with the map at the festival using augmented reality!

Download the app for Android devices here

Download the app for iOS devices here

About the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition

The Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (COLC) is an alliance of organizations, networks, institutions and communities working together to better understand and advance ocean literacy in Canada.  

COLC coordinates and leads collaborative action across organizations, regions, sectors, and scales. Their work focuses on education in Toronto and engagement, research and impact, leadership and advocacy. Ocean literacy is about our relationship with the ocean. 

The giant floor map and augmented reality experience are brought to you by the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition, Canadian Geographic, and Ocean School, a free ocean education initiative of the Ocean Frontier Institute and the National Film Board of Canada.

Dates & Times

May 20
11am – 6pm

May 21
11am – 6pm

May 22
11am – 5pm


Harbourfront Centre Campus

235 Queens Quay West
Toronto ON M5J 2G8

Google Map

Keywords All AgesKidsPublic Art