Tue, Jul 168:30pm

Le Mozart Noir / The Black Mozart (2003)


Please note: Tonight’s Free Flicks is cancelled due to a power outage on our campus. We apologize for the inconvenience and we look forward to welcoming you at our next Free Flicks. Join us for a free movie screening of Le Mozart Noir / The Black Mozart by the water! The drama uncloaks the mystery […]
❮ Free Flicks
Movie Screening

Free Admission
No tickets required



Please note: Tonight’s Free Flicks is cancelled due to a power outage on our campus. We apologize for the inconvenience and we look forward to welcoming you at our next Free Flicks.

Join us for a free movie screening of Le Mozart Noir / The Black Mozart by the water!

The drama uncloaks the mystery of Joseph Boulogne Le Chevalier de Saint Georges, a Black musician from the 18th century whose work has fallen into neglect due to historical prejudices.

Director: Raymound St-Jean 

Writer: Siobhan Flanagan 

Stars: John Abberger, Marcia Brackett and Derak Conrod 

Food and drinks will be available for purchase at the movie screening.

Dates & Times

Tue, July 16
8:30pm 9:23pm


Free admission
No tickets required


Concert Stage

235 Queens Quay W.
Toronto, ON, M5J 2G8

Main image: Photo credit: Le Mozart Noir / The Black Mozart (2003).