Join us for North America’s largest Halal Fest, a celebration of halal food connecting a diverse variety of halal cuisines from the local community, mixed with fun and entertainment.
Meat and poultry will strictly be (hand-slaughtered) ALL HALAL. There will be no pork or alcohol served on any of the food trucks.
Vendor List
- Festival Fun Food
- 6 Spice Rack
- Madurai Curry Dosa Inc.
- Holy Shakes
- Kathi Roll Express
- New York Sliders
- Ontario Corn Roasters
- D’Lish Hotdogs & Sausages
- Chaiwala of London
- Daddy Browns Food Truck
- Heirloom Toronto
- Halal Meals
- East Africa BBQ
Dates & Times
Sat, June 8
2:00pm ↑ 11:00pm
Sun, June 9
2:00pm ↑ 11:00pm
Main image: Halal Fest. Photo by Musa.