Apr 9, 2022

Contemporary Dance Masterclass

With Anne Plamondon


In this workshop, Plamondon shares her unique approach, her choreographic language and valuable improvisational tools.

Anne Plamondon

Photo by Michael Slobodian


Tapping into the RUBBERBAND Method to which she actively contributed, Plamondon offers exercises that strengthen dexterity and precision of movement on all axes, decision-making and the use of rhythmic variations. By learning the principles of the method, dancers will be ready to engage the floor with authority and finesse. An emphasis will also be placed on the dancers’ concentration and visual connections in partnering segments and in performance. Throughout the class, the artist will rely on key principles of her personal approach to movement, such as self-presence in performance and awareness of breathing. 

Please note that registration is based on a first-come, first-served basis up to a maximum of 24 participants. All participants will be required to show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 to enter the studio, sign-in to the National Ballet of Canada screening portal, and will be required to wear a mask at all times while indoors. 

Dates & Times

April 9
90 mins

Masterclass runs until 2:30pm


Offsite - Walter Carsen Centre

National Ballet of Canada

470 Queens Quay West,

Toronto, Ontario

M5V 2Y3

Google Map

Keywords Dance