Boardwalk behind Concert Stage closed Thursday, August 29 from 8–11pm.

August 13, 2023



Burkina Faso


Photo courtesy of the artist


Sadakah means to give. Inviting our divine deities to give us the energy to spread blessings. Alubarika! Sadaka was created by Nigerian dance educator, performer and choreographer, Sani Abu Mohammed Allen of Ijovudu Dance International. Join master drummer Amadou Kienou and friends in a parade to the heart of Habari Africa. Everybody is welcome to drum, dance, clap and sing along!  

About Amadou Kienou

Amadou Kienou was born into one of Burkina Faso’s legendary musical families and received his artistic education from his father and grandfather. As a child he showed remarkable talent, quickly developing a distinctive drumming style on the djembe and tama. Amadou Kienou is the seventh son of a family of griots or praise singers of Dafing origin, originating from a tribe, which settled down at the ancient Mandingue Empire. Praise singers (Griots), from father to son, are very popular and renowned dancers and singers in West Africa. Most of them are musicians by profession. The varied repertoire of Amadou Kienou consists of songs, dances and musical soundings of the Mandingue rhythms. Some of which he has adapted for the drum, such as Senoufo, Senegalese, Peul, childhood songs, love songs and rhythms from the forest. Master djembefola Amadou Kienou is in demand as performer and teacher in Europe, Africa and North America. 

Dates & Times

August 13
6pm – 7pm


Stage in the Park

235 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON