Boardwalk behind Concert Stage closed Thursday, August 29 from 8–11pm.

June 12, 2022

Orange Shirt Day


Fashion as a Tool for Sovereignty and Healing

Orange Shirt Day

Photo courtesy of the artist


Moderator: Shawkay Ottmann 

Speakers: Grandmother Pauline Shirt and Elder Mona Stonefish  

Today, wearing an orange shirt is a prominent symbol that commemorates survivors and victims of the Indian Residential School System. This conversation with Pauline Shirt and Mona Stonefish, and moderated by Shawkay Ottmann, will explore the dichotomy of clothing as a tool that drives resilience and supports oppression. Shawkay Ottmann (nation) is an MA student at the V&A Royal College of Art in London. Her research focuses on dress history, examining how identity and society interact within dress, including a recently published article in Fashion Studies titled “Indigenous Dress Theory and Dress in Canadian Residential Schools.”

Dates & Times

June 12
3:30pm – 5:30pm


The Brigantine Room


Wheelchair accessible

235 Queens Quay West
Toronto ON M5J 2G8

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