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May 21, 2022

Medicine-Cured Salmon

Sold Out


Come hungry to learn about salmon curing! SOLD OUT

plated cured salmon with wild rice

Photo by Douglas Trudeau



Sample delicious Indigenous food and learn the history and traditions and recipes in our Indigenous Food Workshops. Harbourfront Centre’s kitchens come to life with workshops for children that target different age groups, allowing for hands-on learning and storytelling in a fun and creative learning space: the kitchen! Plus, food vendors will sell scrumptious traditional and unique Indigenous meals. Indigenous-led and curated by 50/50 Performing Arts Collective. 

Learn all the ingredients needed to cure salmon in traditional medicines, served with Anishinaabe wild rice, and what makes them so special to Chef Douglas Trudeau. Come hungry for something delicious and to learn something new! 

Skitaam Naangwaa biboong, Gijibitaan Anishnaabe Miijim, minwaa gaabesikaak, minwaa waashi digoongeng. Jiigbiikgaamig Jiibaakwegaamigoong aapje Maadsiimgad kinoomaadjigaaswaa binoojiinek noonz ensaaboongisjik, Wiinaankiiwad minwaa wiinoonmoowad debaajimoowiinaan, bekish minindaagesiiwad maampii enjishing gamigoong, Jiibaakwegaamgoong. Jaabaakwejig daa daawiinaa aapje Menpwagoog, maandaasikweok Waamiijing. Anishnaabek Niigaansiikdaanaawaa minwaa aaptaa nemdaabjik Performing Arts Collective. 

Á:se ne ki’ tsyohserà:te ! Ahsate’nyén:ton Onkwewehnéha na’kakhó:ten’s, táhnon aesewaweyentéhta’ne ayekhón:ni nok ó:ni tsi nityawé:non tsi nihotirihò:ten ne Onkwehón:we. Tsi yekhonya’táhkwa ne Harbourfront Centre, nya’teyorì:wake enwaterihwahtén:ti, ne nya’tehotí:yen’s ne ratiksa’okón:’a  ehonnon’wéhswen, tsi ní:yoht ne ayekaratónnyon, táhnon othé:nen ayekhón:ni tsi yekhonnya’táhkwa. Né:’e ó:ni enwá:ton ayehní:non nya’teyawekon’onhtsherò:ten na’kakhò:ten’s. Onkwehón:we ratihén:te táhnon 50/50 Performing Arts Collective enhatika’én:yon. 

About Chef Douglas Trudeau

“Aaniin, Douglas Trudeau nidishinkas, I am from the Ojibwe and Mohawk Nation, and I am part of the Turtle clan. I connected to the culinary world in high school, and I was hooked immediately. I loved that it was a team effort, and it took a lot of guts to do the job.  

I attended college in Vancouver, BC, and received credits from the Culinary Institute of America. I have been a Red Seal Chef for the past 17 years, and after running restaurants, I decided to make a new move and now work at NAMERES Native Men’s Shelter in Toronto. I focus on our traditional foods, medicines and food sovereignty, and I am paying attention to other Indigenous chefs paving the way. I believe I have changed the standards for shelter cooking where everyone can be treated with humanity and fed fresh, local ingredients and traditional foods. 

I have cooked for former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, NHL teams and The Tragically Hip. My passion is to teach my children to provide for themselves and create excellent family meals. My goal is to have a restaurant on the water where the land can give me everything I need and practice our food and food sovereignty rights. 

Miigwetch for walking with me on my journey. I hope to learn from you as much as you do from me.” – Words from Chef Douglas Trudeau 

About 50/50 Performing Arts Collective

50/50 Performing Arts Collective (represented by Cynthia Lickers-Sage and Candace Scott-Moore for this project) is an Indigenous-led organization headed by some of the most significant producers, presenters and creators from across Canada. They bring 40+ years of working in the festival circuit, both in organization and implementation. Activities range from the Tkaronto Music Festival (including the TKMF Festival and TKMF Presents series) to independent works contracted under the 50/50 brand. Their mission is to be a catalyst that elevates Indigenous performing arts and culture to the main stage. 

Dates & Times

May 21
11:30am – 12:30pm
1:30pm – 2:30pm
3:30pm – 4:30pm


Food Labs

235 Queens Quay W
Toronto, ON, M5J 2G8

Google Map

Keywords CulinaryKids