Boardwalk behind Concert Stage closed Thursday, August 29 from 8–11pm.

April 2 – July 3, 2022

Mapping Out Calm

Steph Cloutier

Curated by Melanie Egan.

Steph Cloutier's Mapping Out Calm Exhibition

Mapping Out Calm (detail), 2022. Cotton paper pulp, recycled paper, lake water, aqueous dispersed pigment, embroidery thread. Image courtesy of artist.


Artist-in-Residence Steph Cloutier incorporates materials such as cotton paper pulp and lake water to mirror the physical place the exhibition is located and its connection to the waterfront.

Mapping Out Calm is part of my ongoing investigation in material exploration using handmade paper. 

I have spent most of my life near the body of a lake. When the pandemic began, daily visits to the water’s edge became important rituals for comfort and reminded me of life’s impermanence, ours and the lakes. As our shoreline has evolved, the lake’s body is expanding and receding. Water plays a crucial role in papermaking, so it was essential  to include lake water as a material. Organic matter such as sediment is also collected and will contribute to the paper’s life cycle of impermanence. 

Mapping Out Calm reflects a bird’s eye view of the city’s harbour and tries to recreate the life force it has when the waves hit the shoreline and flow back to start anew.” — Steph Cloutier  

About Steph Cloutier

Steph Cloutier is an artist and maker based in Toronto, Canada. She received her Bachelor of Fine Art with Distinction from OCAD University focused on sculpture, installation and textiles. Through material exploration, her practice looks at the notion of empathy and uses tools of repair as an act of resistance and futility.  


Big Vitrine

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Toronto ON M5J 2G8

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Keywords Public Art