Boardwalk behind Concert Stage closed Thursday, August 29 from 8–11pm.

August 27, 2023

Colonial Contexts Of Modern Architecture



Canada and Taiwan The Colonial Contexts of Modern Architecture

Photo courtesy of the artist


Both Canada and Taiwan are modern independent countries transformed from the status of colonies of Japan, China, and the British Empire after World War II. 

Cities and buildings are physical representations and extensions of corresponding social, cultural and government systems. Hence It is a meaningful topic to compare the different contexts and phenomena of architectural and urban developments between the two countries. 

The order, law, and conditions to livability of cities, lie not only in the appreciation of aesthetic of the residents, but also in the establishment of standards for ensuring people’s life, security, and health, and welfare based on the inherited legal norms and political systems, and the constitution on which the country is founded. 

About Ron Shieh, M.Arch., OAA, MRAIC

Ron Shieh completed his Master of Architecture from the University of Toronto after immigrating to Canada from Taiwan, and has operated his own firm for almost 40 years. An active member in the Taiwanese community, Ron has supported many initiatives and community projects over the years. 

Ron Shieh is a member of Ontario Association of Architects and Royal Architectural Institute of Canada with a registered architectural practice in Ontario. 

Dates & Times

August 27
2:30pm – 4pm


The Lookout

235 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON