Our Main Building and galleries will not be open to the public for Nuit Blanche. Access to “Hopes and Fears Assembly” will be on the northwest side of the Main Building.


Directed by Ritchie Hemphill of ‘Nakwaxda’xw / British Columbia. Written by Ida Smith of ’Nakwaxda’xw.

Year 2021 | Length: 8 min  

Presented in English and Kwa’kwala with English subtitles

A stop motion representation of the late Elder Ida Smith telling her grandson the legend of the Mink.  

Director Ritchie Hemphill grew up on the Tsulquate reserve and was raised by his community, the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw people. Hemphill aims to create art honouring his identity as a modern Indigenous individual.