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Hora – The Movie is Ohad Naharin’s second film. Just like in YAG – The Movie in 2020, Naharin again transports choreography created for the stage through the camera’s lens, adapting it to create a new piece.   

Filming a performance allows for an even more intimate, tender and disturbing glimpse into a parallel universe. In this dark world, the dancers emerge from a black space to the timeless music of Isao Tomita, their bodies delineating human-dance calligraphy like a code written and erased.   

Naharin’s cinematic lab adds a new choreographic layer to the stage work – the camera’s movement through space. Actions in the editing room, like acceleration or deceleration transitions and cuts, are given a central place and lead to the discovery and revelation of new creative expressions.   

Hora – The Movie is another opportunity to delve into the fascinating evolution of Naharin’s work in search of new ways to create and experience dance.   

Dedicated To Sofia Naharin  

This Digidance livestream is an initiative of DanceHouse (Vancouver), Danse Danse (Montreal), Harbourfront Centre (Toronto) and the National Arts Centre (Ottawa).