Our Main Building and galleries will not be open to the public for Nuit Blanche. Access to “Hopes and Fears Assembly” will be on the northwest side of the Main Building.

May 12–14, 2022

Who Is We: Voices Across the Divides

Art of Time Ensemble

Play Video Event image


The Art of Time Ensemble and Writers Collective of Canada invite you to experience the transformative and healing aspects of writing, of creativity. We hope the personalities and respective experiences of these writers will grab your imagination as it has for ours.

How can writing transform a life? Of the writer, of the listener?  How are we rescued by a new voice, finding within us a purpose we’ve never experienced before?  Whose voices matter?

Who is We?

Who Is We is a question asked by a single voice in pursuit of community, about questioning our notions of “Us and Them”. The past couple of years have made it clear that whatever each of us may have assumed our We to have been – whether sentimentally rooted in family, practically framed by politics, or idealistically the human race  – the time has come to acknowledge that questions need to be asked.

Rental Event

This event is renting Harbourfront Centre spaces and use of its services. Any questions about the event can be directed to the presenting company.

Dates & Times

May 12
8pm – 10pm

May 13
8pm – 10pm

May 14
8pm – 10pm


Harbourfront Centre Theatre

231 Queens Quay West
Toronto, Ontario

Google Map