The Lunchbox (2013) is the acclaimed Hindi-language debut drama written and directed by Ritesh Batra. Warm, affectionate and sweet, the film, shot in Mumbai, is a story that follows the neglected lives of two very different people (played by the brilliant Nimrat Kaur and Irrfan Khan) and what happens when circumstances bring them together and how even something as simple as a lunchbox can connect people.
104 mins
About Ritesh Batra
The Lunchbox is Ritesh Batra’s debut feature. Shot on location in Mumbai, the film made its world premiere at the Semaine De La Critique (Critics Week) at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. Batra’s short films have been screened at international film festivals and fine arts venues. His recent Arab language short, Café Regular, Cairo, screened at over 40 international film festivals and won 12 awards, including the International Critics Prize (FIPRESCI) at Oberhausen and special jury mentions at Tribeca and Chicago. Café Regular, Cairo, was acquired by Franco-German broadcaster Arte. His feature script, The Story of Ram, was part of the Sundance Screenwriters and Directors labs in 2009. He is currently working on his following film, Photograph, and a collection of short stories. Born and raised in Mumbai, Batra splits his time between Mumbai and New York with his wife Claudia and their daughter Aisha.
Dates & Times
September 2
12:30pm – 3:30pm