Boardwalk behind Concert Stage closed Thursday, August 29 from 8–11pm.

June 17 – December 10, 2023

Special Occasions

Machine Dazzle’s Surreal Retrospective: Bespoke looks for special public events like Pride and Easter parade.

Special Occasions


Special Occasions is a “silver foil cityscape.” A retrospective exhibition that looks at the surreal custom looks Machine created for himself and countless models and muses who have worn Machine Dazzle bespoke creations when attending special public events, like Pride and New York’s Easter parade. The collection is drawn from looks meant for public consumption – for a bawdy night out the town or strolling the streets of a parade, decked out in maximalist yet thoughtfully constructed finery.   


Gallery 235

235 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON, M5J 2G8