Boardwalk behind Concert Stage closed Thursday, August 29 from 8–11pm.

August 6–7, 2023

Pan Fantasy



Don’t miss an Island Soul favourite performance at our Stage in the Park. Get ready to move! 

Pan fantasy

Photo courtesy of the artist


Led by Wendy Jones, Pan Fantasy Steelband has performed throughout Canada and the United States. The band has participated in the Caribana Parade for 27 years, copping top honours. They have also participated in the Pan Alive Competition, taking top place and runner-up positions over the past 14 years. Come by our Stage in the Park and enjoy two fantastic performances on Sunday and Monday by one of Toronto’s most beloved Steel Pan bands. They’ll be sure to get you up and moving to the Island beat. 

About Pan Fantasy

The North York Inter-Community Youth Group is a nonprofit organization that has existed for the past 37 years. They provide programs for youths and other organizations in North York and the surrounding areas.  

The organization was established by people who saw an urgent need to guide society’s youth toward developing leadership skills through music, arts, sports and other programs. Their mission is to foster youth leadership through the performing arts and activities, providing the youth in their community an avenue to use their leadership skills and be exposed to their cultural heritage. This is accomplished through the creation of the Pan Fantasy Steelband.  

The organization comprises a diversified group of people aged 10 to 78. They have reached many people, with performances throughout Canada and the United States. They have also participated in the annual Caribana Parade for 37 years.  

Pan Fantasy Steelband was invited in 2010 to participate in the 50th annual cultural festival on Wikwemikong Manitoulin Island, Ontario. They were one of the first steel bands to ever play at the Festival Pow Wow on Wikweemikong Unseeded Indian Reserve. In 2009, they were also invited along with The Trinidad & Tobago Consulate General to Manitoulin Island in honour of bridging the cultural aspect of the two drums. In 2015, the band was invited to represent Canada in the Pan Trinbago International Panorama 2015 in Trinidad and Tobago. 

About Wendy Jones

Wendy Jones is the Toronto female bandleader of the Pan Fantasy Steelband and one of the founding steelband members of the group. Several other founding members include St. El Moore Bobb, Edwin John, Carl Husbands and Delia Bobb, who are still active band members over the past 30 years. 

Dates & Times

August 6
12pm – 2pm

August 7
12pm – 3pm


Stage in the Park

235 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON

Keywords All AgesFree EventMusicPerformance