Boardwalk behind Concert Stage closed Thursday, August 29 from 8–11pm.

October 20–22, 2022

Julie et l’univers

Citadel + Compagnie

Julie et l'univers

Photo courtesy of the artist


Inspired by the journey from adolescence to adulthood, the work embraces the stories of its creator and three emerging female performers, (Morgyn Aronyk-Schell, Claire Whitaker and Sierra Chin Sawdy) with the support of live pianist, Jeanie Chung, and emerging dramaturge, Dedra McDermott. Set in a wintry landscape reminiscent of Lemieux’s childhood in Quebec City, the work explores the interior lives of three young women on the cusp of adulthood, alternating between the utter wonderment and discovery of youth and the uncertainty and loneliness of adolescence. For this work, the choreographer decided to set the style to a precise world and place, Quebec in the late 50’s. Although her own childhood was in the 70’s Laurence decided to remove her personal story and anchor it in a more collective Quebec memory. The scenic starting point was to become a painting created by Jean Paul Lemieux in 1965, Julie et l’univers.  

Dates & Times

October 20
60 mins

October 21
60 mins

October 22
60 mins


Fleck Dance Theatre in Queen's Quay Terminal

207 Queens Quay West, 3rd Floor
Follow signs and take escalator or elevator

Google Map

Keywords Dance